Zeros' Mulitimedia!
1 Secret~Dakara Message EX
2 But-But-But EX
3 Breeze! OP
4 Slayers NEXT Opening Movie EX
5 Ameria! Hey: why not? 145KB
6 "Sore wa himitsu desu!" 117KB
7 Zeros sounding CUTE! 117KB
8 Zeros REALLY cute!! 176KB
9 Zeros trying to sound like a woman! 61.8KB
10 Zeos trying to sound like a chick again! 113KB
What is Ground Zeros
The Depths of Ground Zeros
The Effects of Ground Zeros
The Love-Hate List
Shrine Links

© 1998 This page is matained, updated, and otherwise being messed up by Megumi Chan!